See the Endorsements received from a wide range of supporters.
Please join in with your endorsement today. Your voice matters!
Organizational Endorsements
August 21, 2022 (in part)
Dear Mr. O’Connor I would like to inform you that the Volunteers for Agriculture-PAC, the political action arm of the Wisconsin Farm Bureau Federation, has formally endorsed your candidacy in the 2022 general election for State Assembly. Congratulations and best luck on November 8th.
Karen Gefvert, Governmental Relations Innovation and Engagement Strategist, Wisconsin Farm Bureau Federation.
— Wisconsin Farm Bureau Federation
Congratulations! The Pro-Life Wisconsin Victory Fund Political Action Committee (PAC) has enthusiastically endorsed your candidacy for the Wisconsin State Assembly. Thank you for your recognition of the personhood of the preborn baby and for your principled and compassionate no-exceptions pro-life position. Your commitment to protect all innocent human beings from the moment of conception makes you an excellent choice for pro-life voters in the upcoming primary and general elections. We are pleased to give you our endorsement and encourage you to use this endorsement as you see fit to achieve victory. May God bless you and your campaign. — Pro-Life Wisconsin
"The Wisconsin REALTORS® Association is pleased to announce our endorsement for your candidacy for the 52nd Assembly District."
— The Wisconsin REALTORS® Political Action Committee
Wisconsin Family Council Endorses O'Connor for 52nd Assembly seat
From Wisconsin Family Council: June 10, 2022
"...We are thrilled to have a candidate of your caliber and character! Let’s get this done!"
"Wisconsin Family Action PAC (WFA PAC) is pleased to inform you that we have endorsed your 2022 candidacy for Assembly District 52. It is always encouraging to find candidates who are supportive of marriage, family, life and religious freedom. Good pro-family, pro-life, pro-freedom candidates need to win so that together we can advance public policy and a culture that respects and encourages the independence of the traditional family unit, Wisconsin’s best natural resource, as well as defend and promote a culture of life in our state."
Julaine Appling, Director, Wisconsin Family Action PAC
I am pleased to receive the endorsement from the Wisconsin Family Council as they are an important advocate for family and pro-life issues. Thank you. Jerry O'Connor
— Wisconsin Family Action PAC
Wisconsin Right To Life endorses our campaign to serve the 52nd District of the Wisconsin Assembly. I am honored and thank them for their commitment to life issues.
May 19th, 2022
Dear Mr. O’Connor,
I am pleased to inform you that the Wisconsin Right to Life Political Action Committee has enthusiastically endorsed your candidacy for Wisconsin State Assembly, the 52nd district.
We believe your election would greatly contribute to the building of a culture of life in your community and in our state; and we appreciate your strong advocacy for the right to life. Over the course of your time on the campaign trail and in office, we have been privileged to witness your vocal support of legislative measures that protect the sanctity of life and opposition to measures that would demean human life.
On behalf of the members, supporters, and staff of Wisconsin Right to Life, I extend to you our heartfelt thanks for your strong commitment to the protection of the most vulnerable members of society.
Sincerely, Gracie Skogman, Wisconsin Right to Life Political Action Committee and Legislative Director Wisconsin Right to Life Political Action Committee
— Wisconsin Right To Life Endorsement
State and Federal Official Endorsements
As sheriff of Fond du Lac County, my top priority is keeping people safe. Representative Jerry O’Connor has supported bills to provide additional funding for public safety, modernize our 911 centers, and fund the state Office of School Safety. He also chaired the Speaker’s Task Force on Human Trafficking to develop strategies and help combat those crimes. As a State Assembly Representative, Jerry O’Connor has prioritized public safety, and I ask you to join me in supporting his reelection! — Sheriff Ryan Waldschmidt
FDL County Sheriff
When I made the decision to not seek reelection for the 52nd District seat, I had immediate concerns of finding a highly qualified individual who could honorably serve this community in the years ahead of us. I couldn't be more pleased than to have Jerry O'Connor as the Republican candidate for WI's 52nd District in the Nov. 8 election. Jerry has been a solid community voice for many years and has nobly served many conservative causes. He is a man of great Christian character, a quality that will serve him well as he represents his constituents. I endorse Jerry for this position and encourage others to cast their vote in his favor on November 8 as well. — Jeremy Thiesfeldt
State Representative and High School Instructor
“I’m excited to support Jerry’s campaign for State Assembly. As a social and fiscal conservative, he’s walked the walk in the community, and I trust that he’ll be a strong voice for life, liberty and common sense in Madison even when the pressure’s on.” — AndrĂ© Jacque
State Senator
I endorse Jerry for his run for the 52nd District Assembly seat — Eric Toney
FDL District Attorney & Candidate for State Attorney General
State Assembly Representative
State Assembly Representative
State Assembly Representative
Wisconsin Assembly Rep D 70 /
Wisconsin State Senator for District #18
State Assembly Representative
State Assembly Representative
Assembly Representative
Assembly Rep for the 40th Assembly District
U.S. Congressman for the Wisconsin 6th District
State Assembly Representative
State Assembly Representative
State Assembly Representative
State Assembly Representative for the 42nd District
Wisconsin Assembly Rep for the 52nd District
State Assembly Representative
State Assembly Representative
State Assembly Representative
State Assembly Representative for the 39th District
State Assembly Representative for the 97th District
Current or Former Elected Local District #52 Officials
I give my support for Jerry's campaign to represent the 52nd District — Todd Gitter
Village of Eden Supervisor
I give my support for Jerry's campaign to represent the 52nd District — Shea Stahl
Village of Eden Supervisor
I give my support for Jerry's campaign to represent the 52nd District — Joe Preston Jr.
Village of Eden Supervisor
I give my support for Jerry's campaign to represent the 52nd District — Kevin Goebel
Village of Eden Supervisor
I give my support for Jerry's campaign to represent the 52nd District — Jay Baumhardt
Village of Eden Supervisor
I endorse Jerry as the Republican candidate to be the next Assembly Representative for the 52nd District — Cory St. Mary
President of Village of Eden Board
Jerry has my support for the campaign for the Representative for the 52nd District seat. — Norbert Kolell
Town of Empire Board Supervisor
Jerry has my support for the campaign for the Representative for the 52nd District seat. — Richard Julka
Town of Empire Board Supervisor
I support Jerry's candidacy for the 52nd District — Richard Guell
Board Chair for the Town of Eden
As a long time friend and business acquaintance, I strongly endorse Jerry O'Connor for the role of our State Assembly Representative for the 52nd District. Jerry brings the experience and integrity to this role that will serve our citizens well.
Sam Kaufman, FDL County Executive
— Sam Kaufman
FDL County Exec
I fully support Jerry for the 52nd District Assembly — Brett Zimmermann
Fond du Lac City Council
I support Jerry's bid for the Republican nomination for the 52nd District Assembly seat — Brad Sabel
Town of Oakfield Supervisor
We enthusiastically support Jerry's bid to serve the 52nd District of the Wisconsin State Assembly — Steve Michels
Former FDL City Council President
I join my son Eric Toney in support of Jerry's candidacy for the 52nd District — John Toney
Retired FDL City Sergeant
I support Jerry for the 52nd District — Kevin Lemke
Retired FDL Deputy Chief of Police
Jerry will be a great Representative for Fond du Lac and the surrounding Townships — Dave Flagstad
Former FDL City Fire Chief
I endorse Jerry's candidacy to represent the 52nd District — Dan Redman
President, Village of Oakfield Board
I endorse Jerry's candidacy to represent the 52nd District — Al Kamkenski
Trustee, Village Board of Oakfield
I endorse Jerry's candidacy to represent the 52nd District — Miriam Thomas
Village of Oakfield Clerk/Treasurer
I endorse Jerry's candidacy to represent the 52nd District — Jody Marcoe
Trustee, Village of Oakfield
I endorse Jerry's candidacy to represent the 52nd District — Chris Cook
Trustee, Village Board of Oakfield
I support Jerry's conservative values in the 52nd District Assembly race — Mary Laudoff
Clerk- Town of Byron
I endorse Jerry O'Connor to replace Jeremy Thiesfeldt for the open seat in the 52nd District of the Wisconsin Assembly — Keith Heisler
FDL City Council Vice President
I give my endorsement to the campaign to elect Jerry O'Connor to the Wisconsin State Assembly for the 52nd District — Thomas Schuessler
Attorney and member of the Fond du Lac City Council
I want to add my name to the list of endorsements for Jerry O'Connor to serve as the next representative for the 52nd District Assembly seat — Dean Will
District Supervisor for District 21 of the Fond du Lac County Board
As a friend for many years, I endorse Jerry as a candidate for the 52nd District — Mark Weber
Former FDL City Council President
Jerry O'Connor has my endorsement — Steven Abel
District #1 Supervisor for the Fond du Lac County Board
I have known Jerry for 20 years and offer my endorsement for his campaign — Dean Boelk
Town of Oakfield Board Supervisor
I offer my endorsement for Jerry O'Connor for the 52nd District — Bob Simon
Town of Byron Board Chair & District 8 County Board Supervisor
Town of Byron Supervisor endorses Jerry O'Connor — Dustin Westphal
Town of Byron Supervisor
We support the values Jerry brings to his campaign — Ed Smith
Board Chair, Town of Oakfield
I support Jerry for the State Assembly's 52nd District — Gary Miller
Town of Eldorado Board Chair & President of Fond du Lac County Towns Association Board
Based on his experience and background, Jerry has my endorsement — Sam Meyer
Insurance Agent & Former City of Fond du Lac Board President
I enthusiastically endorse Jerry for his campaign for the Republican candidacy for the 52nd District Assembly seat. — Robert Giese
Board Chair, Town of Fond d Lac & District #14 Supervisor for FDL County Board
I support Jerry O’Connor for 52nd District assembly, he is a man of integrity, knowledge and experience. Jerry truly cares about the people he represents. Jerry is honest and will serve our communities with conservative Christian principles. I feel this is an imperative decision for the consequences of our future communities. I am imploring and encouraging others to vote for Jerry O’Connor, the Republican candidate in the upcoming election November 8, 2022! Ann M Sinisi — Ann Sinisi
— Robert Parish
Business Owner
Vote for Jerry O'Connor for the 52nd District — Paul Tibbets
I am endorsing Jerry for this 52nd Assembly seat — Lee Fowler
I would like to add my endorsement for Jerry O'Connor for the Candidacy for the 52nd District Assembly! This man is living his legacy! I have never met a man with more Character and integrity. He assists, contributes, and solves in such a kind and caring way! He stands for the better good of your fellow man or woman. I have no doubt that whatever issues that may face Jerry , he will tackle them with the most common decency and fairness. His faith and his willingness to go the extra mile has always been exemplary. Being a past teacher in the public school system, I have seen many changes that need not be implemented. I believe that we need a man like Jerry O'Connor to get us back on tract and begin to correct the wayward directions that have infected our schools and our children. You have my support and my families support Jerry O'Connor, now let's get this job done! Courtney Castle Almond past Georgia Elementary School Teacher — Courtney Almond
Georgia Teacher
Jerry is a conscientious and committed conservative who will represent his constituents with integrity and care. — James O'Connor
Brother/Owner of Select Auto
Karin and I give our support to Jerry for the 52nd District. — Paul Rosenfeldt
I endorse Jerry's candidacy to represent the 52nd District — Mitch Kahl
Campaign Committee Member
I am supporting Jerry O'Connor for the 52nd District seat — Thomas Schurman
I am pleased to come aboard as the Campaign Treasurer and look forward to making it possible for Jerry to serve as the next Assembly Representative for the 52nd District. He will represent us well — Mary Tighe
I have known Jerry O'Connor for a long time and am happy to endorse and help in his campaign — Louis Santini
I am blessed to know Jerry and Luanne. I endorse,will pray, and volunteer to elect Jerry. We need his Christian values,leadership, and experience in Madison. Paul Wm Osterholm & family — Paul Osterholm
Jerry is a solid man of integrity and a fighter for Truth! — Cindy Sweeney
I am honored and excited about working with Jerry and Luanne for this all important campaign for the 52nd District Assembly seat. I believe strongly that Jerry brings the right amount of knowledge, experience and integrity to be effective as a Representative in our state Assembly.
— Sheila Reilly Loehr
I strongly support Jerry's candidacy. He will represent his district well. — John Reichert
My brother Jerry will do a great job representing conservative ideas in the 52nd District. He has the knowledge, experience and drive for this role — Thomas O'Connor
I fully endorese Jerry and know he is of outstanding character and will work hard for the people in his district, our state and the causes our founding Fathers had for Wisconsin and the USA. — Mark Hefter
I give my full support for Jerry. He is a man of principles and integrity — Jimmie McAfee
Health Care Worker
I have known Jerry for a few years. I met Jerry in a trying and difficult time in my life. Jerry and his wife Luane opened their home to me and allowed me to live with them. I found out many things about Jerry that really spoke to his character. One being that Jerry had done religion classes for over 20 years to prisoners who were incarcerated. Jerry has reintroduced me to my faith and made a huge difference in my life. Jerry and I have had many deep discussions on many different topics, and it would be fair for me to say that I would trust Jerry's judgement no matter what the topic. He is well educated and is able to look at situations with empathy and common sense. I consider Jerry like a brother to me and I would trust him with my life. Bruce Jacobs (Retired Police Sergeant) — Bruce Jacobs
Retired Police Officer
I am more than pleased to support Jerry O'Connor in his campaign for the 52nd District seat. And I am gladly volunteering to assist in the campaign. God Speed Jerry! — Mary Carol Zunker
Retired Teacher
Jerry is a man of integrity, convictions, and common sense - all of which are needed in our country. His desire to serve others is exemplary, and he is already in touch with and actively involved in different issues here in Wisconsin. I whole-heartedly endorse and support Jerry, confident that he will do a superb job serving Wisconsin by making a positive difference. — Daniel Bowman
I strongly support Jerry for this role. He has the skills, knowledge and ability to make the case for conservative principles in a manner where he can get some things done — Ryan Bensheimer
Professional Photographer, Pastor
I have known Jerry O'Connor for almost fifty years; he is honest, intelligent, and hard working, and I highly recommend him. Whether you live and vote by Christian principles or you are just realizing that we need a drastic change in the direction in which we are headed, Jerry O'Connor will work hard to reverse that direction. — John Rudasill
Electronics Repair Owner/Technician
Great friend and a person who will represent the District with integrity — Keith Rice
Jerry O'Connor is a strong Christian conservative. It is very encouraging to find candidates, like Rep. O'Connor, who are supportive of marriage, family, life and religious freedom, and who work hard for their constituents. Jerry is a real go-getter. He had 17 bills as an author or co-author signed into law in his first two years as our Representative for the 52nd District. Jerry will work very hard for the new 60th to make positive changes for the state of Wisconsin. It is with great enthusiasm that I give my endorsement for Rep. Jerry O'Connor for the 60th District!
— Kathleen ParishKathy Parish, Retired First Grade Teacher, Waters Elementary School; Co-owner Semper Fi Storage, LLC, Fond du Lac
First Grade Teacher
Hulls 151 Equipment
Business owner- beauty shop in Oakfield
Retired Bank President for the Bank of Wisconsin Dells
Affiliated with Friends of Wisconsin Bears
IT Specialist
Insurance Agent
Pro-Life Advocate
Missionaries with Wycliffe
Retired Fond du Lac Attorney
Retired Mortgage Banker