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Saturday, October 5, 2024 12:56 PM

Rep. O'Connor Joins Forces to Reduce Investment Income taxes for Wisconsin Retirees

“Once again, we must make retiring in Wisconsin is more affordable,” Rep. O’Connor said, “On one hand, we must help retirees already in Wisconsin, on the other hand, we must give them a reason to stay here.”



Wednesday, September 4, 2024 11:12 AM

09-03-24 Interview with Wisconsin Eye

Recently I set down for an interview with Wisconsin Eye.  Click on the link to read my answers to a wide range of isses:


Wednesday, September 4, 2024 11:10 AM

08-28-24 Martin Luther Had A Dream 61 years later

Does this dream still apply today?


Monday, June 3, 2024 8:35 PM

Josh Onwunili wins two Gold Medals at State Track Final- after we beat back the WIAA


Thursday, May 30, 2024 9:22 PM

Child Sex Trafficking Case in FDL County


Wednesday, May 22, 2024 3:40 PM

DOJ takes Liberal Bloomberg Money to do Battle with Wisconsinites


Friday, May 17, 2024 4:37 PM

WIAA Reverses and Will Let Josh RUN in State Track Tournaments


Thursday, May 16, 2024 4:35 PM

WIAA Stops Missionary son from competing in State Track Tournaments


Monday, April 29, 2024 3:46 PM

Follow the Liberal Roadmap to Fundamentally Change Wisconsin

04/29/24 2024_WOKE_Bills_Introduced.xlsx

Tuesday, April 23, 2024 3:00 PM

How Vetoes Define a Governor's Agenda



Monday, April 22, 2024 11:00 AM

Lake Sturgeon are NOT an Endangered Species

By using a full court press, a collaboration of legislators, fisherman and businesses were able to demonstrate to the Fish & Wildlife Service that the lake sturgeon population was healthy and there was no need to place these fish on the endangered species list.

Collaborative conservation keeps lake sturgeon off endangered list | U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (

Friday, April 5, 2024 1:37 PM

Open Invitation to Campaign Kickoff Event

Add your news summary here.

Wednesday, April 3, 2024 4:31 PM



Wednesday, March 27, 2024 4:29 PM

Progress Made To Slow Down Sex Trafficking in Wisconsin


Thursday, March 21, 2024 3:48 PM

Governor Signs My Financial Elder Abuse Bill


Wednesday, March 13, 2024 2:14 PM

Assembly Rep O'Connor announces Re-Election Campaign

For Immediate Press Release: March 13, 2024

Assembly Rep Jerry O’Connor Announces Re-election Bid for Wisconsin’s new 60th Assembly District

On Wednesday, State Assembly Representative Jerry O’Connor (R-Fond du Lac) announced that he will be running for re-election this November in Wisconsin’s 60th Assembly District. The new 60th Assembly District lines encompass the City of Fond du Lac, the Village of North Fond du Lac, and the townships of Empire, Fond du Lac, and Friendship.

“I am extremely honored to have the opportunity to represent the people in my Fond du Lac District under the current 52nd District lines and for next year, with a few changes drawn up, the 60th District. I hope you will entrust me in taking on this role once again in 2025-2026 as we continue to fight for: lower taxes, smaller government, election integrity, streamlined regulations, and conservative social values.”

Following his retirement from a banking and business career, Representative O’Connor was elected to represent the 52nd Assembly District in 2022. O’Connor noted, “I signed up for this job because I sincerely care about the people in my communities, together with the broader concerns we see nationally and the challenges that are tearing at the social fabric of our nation.  I will continue to approach these issues with the common-sense conservative, time tested principles that built this great nation.”

In the 2023-2024 session O’Connor served as the Chair of the Speaker’s Task Force on Human Trafficking, Vice Chair of the Financial Institutions Committee and a member of these committees:  Colleges & Universities; Corrections; Family Law; Jobs, Economy & Small Business Development; and Workforce Development & Economic Opportunities

Representative O’Connor authored 31 bills with the potential that half of those could be signed into law before this session ends.  Additionally, he co-sponsored more than 300 bills where the focus of these bills has been on tax cuts; election integrity; updating laws and regulations; introducing bills to reduce sex trafficking in Wisconsin; addressing free speech concerns on college campuses; promoting improved education outcomes; returning shared revenue back to our local jurisdictions; and holding government accountable to the people.

O’Connor further emphasized that, “the upcoming election cycles are crucial for our country and state. We need to come together and work towards the collective goal of electing Republicans up and down the ballot – in 2024 this includes the President, US Senator, the State Senators and Assembly Reps races. In 2025 elect a constitutionalist judge for the State Supreme Court, and then in 2026, we need to retire Governor Evers.”

To learn more about the Representative, you can find public information at:

Tuesday, March 5, 2024 3:45 PM

Election Integrity on Spring Referendum


Saturday, September 23, 2023 2:32 PM

Click here for my Official E-updates and Press Releases

Add your news summary here.

Thursday, February 23, 2023 1:20 PM

Contact and follow Rep. O'Connor

The best way to follow me outside the campaign season is at my Facebook account as: "Rep. Jerry O'Connor"                     

On any matter please email me at: Rep.O'" or                                                                                                                                                  Regular mail at P.O. Box 8953, Madison, WI. 53708-8953 or                                                                                                                                                                            Call my Capitol office at 888-529-0052

Wednesday, October 12, 2022 9:49 AM

Received NRA Endorsement

Protecting our constitutional amendments is a critical issue to me.  We cannot allow leftist initiatives to degrade or eliminate our rights set forth in the 1st, 2nd or 4th Amendments to the Constitution.  In order to protect all rights we possess, by contract under the constitution, we must fight attacks against each individual right.  As such, I have received the highest endorsement for a non-elected official given by the NRA.

NRA Endorsed
Jerry O'Connor
Candidate (R)


Wednesday, October 12, 2022 9:30 AM

Endorsed by Dairy Business Associates

I received an endorsement from Wisconsin's Dairy Business Association. They are working to advance the dairy industry in our state and I will work to help them on this journey



Monday, October 3, 2022 5:48 PM

Q&A provided to Milwaukee Journal Sentinel and Fond du Lac Reporter

Please see a 09/30/2022 article asking questions to my Democrat opponent and myself.   ease review for a direct insight on the issues and how my opponent and I stack up on the things that matter to Wisconsinites.





Tuesday, September 6, 2022 11:29 AM

Campaign Interview with Wisconsin Eye on 09/01/2022

I participated in an Interview with Wisconsin Eye.  This organization that promotes civil dialogue in the political arena.   Click on this link to watch this interview:

Highlight this link/ then Right Click/ from the drop down menu, then choose "Go to hpps://"

Once on the site select the "Coverage" drop down menu, and then choose "Campaign 2022".  From here go down the page to play my interview.



Monday, August 29, 2022 10:44 AM

Farm Bureau Federation Endorses Jerry O'Connor for State Assembly

August 21, 2022  (in part)

Dear Mr. O’Connor I would like to inform you that the Volunteers for Agriculture-PAC, the political action arm of the Wisconsin Farm Bureau Federation, has formally endorsed your candidacy in the 2022 general election for State Assembly.

Congratulations and best luck on November 8th.

Karen Gefvert

Governmental Relations Innovation and Engagement Strategist

Wisconsin Farm Bureau Federation.


Saturday, July 9, 2022 10:16 AM

County Executive Sam Kaufman endorses Jerry for the 52nd District

As a long time friend and business acquaintance, I strongly endorse Jerry O'Connor for the role of our State Assembly Representative for the 52nd District.  Jerry brings the experience and integrity to this role that will serve our citizens well.

Sam Kaufman

FDL County Executive

Friday, July 8, 2022 10:46 AM

Wisconsin Realtors Association PAC endorses Jerry O'Connor

Add your news summary here.

Thursday, July 7, 2022 9:54 PM

Pro-Family PAC Makes Additional Endorsements Madison


– Wisconsin Family Action Political Action Committee (WFA PAC) announced today another round of candidate endorsements for this fall’s primary election and general elections.

These endorsements are in addition to those released earlier this year. An up-to-date list of WFA PAC-endorsed candidates is available HERE.

  • Attorney General Eric Toney
  • State Senate State Assembly Rachael Cabral-Guevara, SD 19 Erik Ngutse, AD 13 Brian Westrate, SD 23 Bart Williams, AD 32 Romaine Quinn, SD 25 Jerry O’Connor, AD 52 Cory Tomczyk, SD 29 Ty Bodden, AD 59 Adam Steen, AD 63 Karen Hurd, AD 68 Michael Bub, AD 87

Julaine Appling, WFA PAC director, commented, “Each of these candidates has met our high standards for endorsement. Some have proven and consistent conservative track records from elected positions they currently hold. Others who don’t have a track record on the issues of vital importance to us give every evidence they are committed to principles and values that align with ours. “We are always looking for candidates of good character, strong conservative beliefs, and leadership qualities to serve in our state government.

These candidates meet those criteria. We look forward to their serving in their respective offices with distinction, as they hold true to their principled beliefs while working to strengthen, preserve, and promote marriage and family, the sanctity of life, religious liberty, economic prosperity, educational freedom, and more on behalf of the constituents they represent and for the benefit of all Wisconsin citizens. “We urge voters to support these candidates in the days leading to the August 9 primary and then in the weeks heading into the general election on November 8.”

Additional endorsements for other offices for this fall’s elections will be forthcoming.

### Authorized and paid for by Wisconsin Family Action PAC, Leslie Harrison, Treasurer. Not authorized by any candidate or by any candidate’s agent or committee

Saturday, June 25, 2022 11:02 AM

The United States Supreme Court Overturned Roe v Wade

I have looked at a number of posts celebrating the overturn of Roe v. Wade and the message I am most closely aligned with is the post from our current 52nd District Rep, Jeremy Thiesfeldt:

The United States Supreme Court Overturned Roe v Wade

Statement from Representative Thiesfeldt: "I have prayerfully awaited for this day for most of my life. Roe v. Wade has been overturned by the United States Supreme Court. This decision returns the legal authority over such procedures to the individual states where it has always belonged. This is the correct decision and was long overdue. Thank you to the justices who have shown tremendous courage in reversing this legal precedent. No judicial decision is permanent, doing this is not unprecedented, and our system allows for reversals. This ends nearly 50 years of judicial overreach by the nation's highest court.
There never has been such a "right" in the US Constitution. The result of this for Wisconsin is that the current law passed by the state legislature in 1849 is immediately in effect. Changing the state law requires further action from the state legislature. The decision from the Court today has always been a goal of mine as well as thousands of my constituents."
Add your news summary here.

Saturday, June 11, 2022 6:10 PM

Wisconsin Family Council Endorses O'Connor for 52nd Assembly seat

From Wisconsin Family Council PAC:  June 10, 2022

"...We are thrilled to have a candidate of your caliber and character! Let’s get this done!"

"Wisconsin Family Action PAC (WFA PAC) is pleased to inform you that we have endorsed your 2022 candidacy for Assembly District 52.  It is always encouraging to find candidates who are  supportive of marriage, family, life and religious freedom. Good pro-family, pro-life, pro-freedom candidates need to win so that together we can advance public policy and a culture that respects and encourages the independence of the traditional family unit, Wisconsin’s best natural resource, as well as defend and promote a culture of life in our state."

Julaine Appling, Director, Wisconsin Family Action PAC

I am pleased to receive the endorsement from the Wisconsin Family Council PAC as they are an important advocate for family and pro-life issues.  Thank you.  Jerry O'Connor

Thursday, June 2, 2022 9:33 PM

Jerry O'Connor to be on ballot for the 52nd District Assembly Seat

Jerry O'Connor to be on Ballot for the 52nd District Assembly Seat

Jerry O'Connor's campaign announced that he has met all the requirements to appear on the August 9th Primary in his run for the Republican nomination for the 52nd District covering the City of Fond du Lac and seven surrounding townships.

O'Connor commented, "Thank you to our great team that helped generate an initial 400 signatures for my nomination papers within a short time.  This allowed us to be the second candidate to file nomination papers for the entire State of Wisconsin for this year's fall election cycle.  We then filed another 257 signatures giving us a total of 657 signatures for nomination.  This number represents more than twice the signatures of any of the three other candidates running for this seat."  

You can learn more about the issues Jerry represents by going to  If you can volunteer in any way, contact Jerry at



Thursday, May 19, 2022 3:16 PM

Endorsement from Wisconsin Right To Life

Wisconsin Right to Life

Wisconsin Right To Life endorses our campaign to serve the 52nd District of the Wisconsin Assembly.  I am honored and thank them for their commitment to life issues. 

May 19th, 2022

Dear Mr. O’Connor,

I am pleased to inform you that the Wisconsin Right to Life Political Action Committee has enthusiastically endorsed your candidacy for Wisconsin State Assembly, the 52nd district.

We believe your election would greatly contribute to the building of a culture of life in your community and in our state; and we appreciate your strong advocacy for the right to life. Over the course of your time on the campaign trail and in office, we have been privileged to witness your vocal support of legislative measures that protect the sanctity of life and opposition to measures that would demean human life.

On behalf of the members, supporters, and staff of Wisconsin Right to Life, I extend to you our heartfelt thanks for your strong commitment to the protection of the most vulnerable members of society.


Gracie Skogman

Wisconsin Right to Life

Political Action Committee and Legislative Director

Wisconsin Right to Life Political Action Committee

Monday, March 21, 2022 8:27 AM

KFIZ: Announcement for Candidacy for the 52nd District of the Wisconsin State Assembly

Copy and Paste the link below into your web browser to review. 

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Committee to Elect Jerry O'Connor
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